
channeling derek...

tuesday, july 11 1989

...spent the morning reading "matthew", and "wisdom":
our name will be forgotten in time
and no-one will remember our works
our life will pass away like the traces of a cloud
and be scattered like mist
this is chased by the rays of the sun
and overcome by its heat
for our allotted time is the passing of a shadow
and will run like sparks through the stubble

saturday, july 11, 1992

... to set up a focal point that robs everyone of focus is a treason that the arts can perform quite easily in their concrete bunkers.  it would have been much better for our "community" if the arts had to involve themselves directly.  to call pasolini, or myself for that matter, "gay artists" is foolish and limiting.  one day maybe we will dispense with boundaries and categories.  i was never gay, queer maybe, difficult certainly, with good reason...

chorma:  shadow is the queen of colour

when what is black is mixed with the light of the sun and fire, the result is always red.

we are going to see the documentary "derek" tomorrow evening 

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